Slow Cooker Sundays are going strong! (which is quite a feat since it was my birthday weekend!) Today, I made split pea soup. I honestly don’t think I have ever had split pea soup in …

Slow Cooker Sundays are going strong! (which is quite a feat since it was my birthday weekend!) Today, I made split pea soup. I honestly don’t think I have ever had split pea soup in …
It’s Slow Cooker Sunday! I was really tempted to just skip it this week and have leftovers today, but then I stumbled across a blog…this woman used her slow cooker EVERYDAY for a year! Super-impressive, I know. …
I’m two-for-two so far since starting the “Slow-Cooker Sundays” feature again! This is a recipe that I tried out a couple of years ago. I remember my husband really liking it, so I decided to …
Trying my best to “restart” my short-lived “Slow- Cooker Sundays” feature. (To be honest, football season really ruined it in the fall. Buffalo wings proved to be too much of a temptation every Sunday!) Now’s …
I’m starting a new feature on the blog…Slow Cooker Sundays! Today’s recipe is a turkey chili. It’s a hearty meal for sure. The prep time is literally five minutes. And, the cooking time is 5-6 …